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Sponsor a Shabbat

The Northwestern Hillel Shabbat experience is a cornerstone of Jewish life on campus. Every week, up to 150 students come together for Reform and Conservative Shabbat services followed by a delicious - and free - meal.


Our goal for Northwestern Hillel’s Shabbat program is to provide students with varying opportunities to engage with, explore, and celebrate Shabbat together as a community on community. Student-led services at Hillel are optional and open to all, followed by a delicious kosher dinner. Each week, a different Hillel student group or community “hosts” Shabbat, offering a variety of programming and learning opportunities, both during and after the meal. 


Annually, our Shabbat expenses are $54,000. To help support this program, generous parents, alumni, and community supporters have the opportunity to sponsor a Shabbat. A gift of $3,600 covers one Shabbat dinner for 100 students, and a gift of $18,000 covers Shabbat dinner for an entire quarter.


While some Hillels charge students for Shabbat dinner, Northwestern Hillel has remained steadfastly committed to keeping these meals free of charge.


If you are interested in sponsoring a Shabbat, we would be happy to help you choose the perfect week! With a variety of student groups and community hosts, we will do our best to match your Sponsorship with a host whose interests closely align with yours. To request a sponsorship or more information, please email Development Manager Sara Bogomolny or call 847-467-4455.


For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, here is a sample of Shabbat Sponsorship opportunities:

  • 1st Shabbat of the quarter 

  • Homecoming Shabbat

  • Family Weekend Shabbat

  • Israel Shabbat

  • Dillo Shabbat


Student Group Hosts to partner with:

  • Jewish Theatre Ensemble (JTE)

  • ShireiNU A Cappella

  • Challah for Hunger

  • First Year Students of Hillel (FYSH)

  • J Street U Northwestern

  • Wildcats for Israel

  • Birthright Alumni

Northwestern Hillel

629 Foster St

Evanston, IL 60201 

Tel: (847) 467-4455

Building Hours:

Sunday-Friday: 9am-9pm

Saturday: 9am-3pm

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Northwestern Hillel is an initiative of the Jewish United Fund, supported by Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.

Northwestern Hillel is a member of the Jewish Leadership Circle (JLC), which recognizes Jewish institutions for their commitments to support alternatives to factory farming — a root cause of injustice for humans, animals, and the environment. Our Hillel was awarded membership for committing to reduce the volume of animal products we serve by at least 20 percent.

© 2023
Northwestern Hillel

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